Currency calculator
I have
1 USD = 42.35 UAHActual on 22-01-2025
I get
How does the Bank work during martial law?
The Bank continues to work for the good of our customers and for the good of Ukraine! Even in this difficult time, we are doing our best to provide quality banking services. The Bank's branche operates according to the usual schedule and is part of POWER BANKING.How can I fund my current account?
You can fund your current account in the following ways:- Cashless transfer of funds from another account using the details
- Replenishment of the account at the Bank's cash desk at the address: 4 Leontovycha St., Kyiv, 01054, letter "A, A1"
How do I opt out of receiving advertising materials?
You have the right to opt out of receiving advertising materials at any time by means of remote communication channels by using the feedback formCan the Bank unilaterally amend the concluded agreements?
The Bank has no right to make changes to the agreements concluded with customers unilaterally, unless otherwise provided by the agreement or the law