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Introduction of electronic document on currency transactions for corporate clients

Credit West

Dear costumers!


JSC «CREDITWEST BANK» (hereinafter – the Bank) announces the introduction of electronic document on currency transactions for corporate clients.


With the help of the “Client-Bank” system, clients can send documents with electronic digital signature overlay to the Bank in seconds.


Advantages of sending electronic documents to the Bank:


- Instant sending of the documents contributes to the rapid implementation of settlements;

- There is no costs associated with sending documents by mail and courier;

- Reliability;

- Paper saving;

- Speeding of business processes.


In order if you want to connect electronic documents sending function using the system "Client-Bank", please call 044 365 00 07 (08) of visit our JSC «CREDITWEST BANK» which is located at Leontovycha St. 4 “letter A, A1” Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine.