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The Bank joined government programs to reduce the cost of lending to agricultural producers

Credit West

In June 2020, CREDITWEST BANK signed a "Memorandum on General Principles of Cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine on the implementation of state financial support for agricultural producers."


Guided by the requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2020", "On state support of agriculture of Ukraine", "On banks and banking", "On farming", "On stimulating the development of domestic engineering for the agro-industrial complex" , agreed to join forces in creating favorable conditions in the financial and credit support of agricultural producers.


The purpose of joint efforts is to implement certain areas of financial support, namely:

  • state support for the development of animal husbandry and processing of agricultural products;
  • partial compensation for the cost of agricultural machinery and equipment of domestic production;
  • financial support for the development of farms and financial support for activities in the agro-industrial complex by reducing the cost of loans


For more information on the program, please call +38 (044) 365 00 05 / 06 or visit the Bank's branch.